How To Start A Cleaning Business

Starting a cleaning company can be a great way to become a business owner with a low start-up cost. You can start generating a great deal of income in no time! Lots of people are choosing to start cleaning businesses, so they can quit their day jobs, supplement income, or build wealth. The video below is a great step by step guide on how to get started. Below the video, is a red button that says "START TODAY" click it to take action and get started with your business now!





Hey all I’m a young man new to the business I’ve had many cleaning gigs so it was a no brainer on what my business was going to be but I’m in my first year and it could be going better but if anyone have any ads or pointers I would greatly appreciate it thanks and GODSPEED to all


Hello I have just started my cleaning business. I have been having a little success but I still need more customers just to break even. I could use suggestions on ways to generate and follow up on leads. And also input on pricing and biding please.
Thank you for the videos they are helpful!

Aaron Harris

Hey, what’s up? AJ. My name is Aaron Harris I’ve been watching your YouTube channel for a while. I just recently bought a cleaning franchise from jani king. I was interested in buying your starter kit. I was wondering is the backpack vacuum and the stand up vacuum included in your offer? Please get back with me at your earliest convenience. Thanks, and keep up the good work


I’m just starting out
Need help w a system to generate leads
Non stop


AJ thank you for this!!!!

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